Introduction: Story About Cats

Cat is a very cute and very adorable animal, which is why many people are interested to keep it as a pet. Cats are also very fun to play with, spoiled, but fun. Cats can also be a cure for people who are stress in their life, and they can entertain you in many many ways. In this blog, I will go a little bit more specific and talk about one type of cat which is called the Persian Cat. This type of cat has a very thick fur all over their body, round eyes, and flat nose. Many people adore this kind of species, and that's the reason why people are selling Persian Cats in their store anywhere around the world.

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Persian Cats Are Stress Medicines

Everyday people are busy with their activities outside their house such as work, school, meeting with other people, and so on. Activities are there for people to do in a non-stop fashion. One week, seven days. Sometimes people get bored by their own activities; problems that we always face in the office, at home, at school, relationship problems, family problems, and many other problems. Living in a such situation will make you feel tired and stressed out. Yes, you need something to relief your stress. You feel the need to take your time to entertain yourself, but you do not have time.

One day, when I came home, I was very tired and fed up with the activities that I do all day. I opened the bedroom door and saw my cat sleeping on my bed. His face was very cute. He knew I was coming, he immediately woke up and jumped onto my shoulder, he was licking my face as if he greeted me a "welcome home". His fur is very smooth and makes me very comfortable. He entertained me by his act. He was very spoiled and always followed me everywhere around the house. He would act and try to get my attention. His beautiful eyes would calm my heart. He's happy when I got home. He's my friend when I don't have any friend to play with. I'm very lucky to have him, and he is one of God's beautiful creation and I am grateful to have him as my friend.

Do not hesitate to have a Persian Cat, you'll have a lot of benefits that come from these adorable animals. I've felt it myself. He could become a good stress relieving medicine for us. See it for yourself.

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